Botond Szabo on the Annals of Statistics Editorial Board

Botond Szabo, Associate Professor at Bocconi Department of Decision Sciences, was named Associate Editor of Annals of Statistics, a top-tier peer-reviewed journal published by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and edited by Enno Mammen (Heidelberg University) and Lan Wang (Miami Herbert Business School).
As an Associate Editor, Botond Szabo will join an Editorial Board that lines up some of the most authoritative international scholars in Statistics including Igor Pruenster, Director of the Bocconi Institute for Data Science and Analytics.
Szabo will contribute to the traditionally high standing of the journal by assessing papers close to his research interests: Bayesian statistics, scalable statistical methods, variational inference, inverse problems, and high-dimensional models among them.
Botond Szabo has been a reviewer for Annals of Statistics for eight years. Before joining its editorial board, he was already on the boards of Bayesian Analysis and the Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference.
Source: Bocconi Knowledge