A rare distinction for an academic outside America
Giacomo Zanella and colleagues find a way to compare how certain algorithms perform
The doctoral student is honored with the Lawrence D.Brown PhD student award for his early achievements
Daniele Durante has secured funding from the European Research Council to develop cutting edge statistical models and methods for studying criminal networks
Research by Botond Szabo is aimed at giving theoretical underpinnings to the black box procedures used to cope with the unprecedented explosion of available data
Filippo Ascolani and Francesco Gaffi receive the SBSS Student Paper Competition Award from the American Statistical Association
The award will give Ascolani and Gaffi the opportunity to present their work at the 2023 Joint Statistical Meeting next August in Toronto, Canada.
Giacomo Zanella has been financed by the European Research Council to better understand, and develop, computational algorithms for large-scale probabilistic models
Filippo Ascolani receives a Hannan Graduate Student Travel Award from the Institute of Mathematical Statistics
This honor is only granted to a small number of scholars
Fellows of the Institute of Mathematical Stastics must have demonstrated distinction in research or leadership that has profoundly influenced the field