Tommaso Rigon Awarded for His PhD Dissertation

Tommaso Rigon, Bocconi PhD in Statistics alumnus, received the Savage Award 2020 in Theory & Methods for his PhD dissertation, Finite-dimensional nonparametric priors: Theory and applications.
The Savage Award, co-sponsored by the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) and the American Statistical Association (ASA), is bestowed each year to two outstanding doctoral dissertations in Bayesian econometrics and statistics, one each in Theory & Methods and Applied Methodology. It is the most important recognition for junior Bayesians worldwide.
The awarded dissertation contains remarkable and original contributions to the foundations, theory, and general methodology of Bayesian analysis. Rigon’s theoretical findings are crucial for shedding light on a highly relevant area of research and pave the way for several exciting statistical applications that involve large scale data. Among these, interesting findings emerged from his thorough analysis of the dataset related to the 2016-2017 INVALSI, a national examination conducted in Italy, with the aim of measuring the teaching competencies of a set of schools by considering the socio-demographic characteristics of its students.
After a postdoctoral experience at Duke University (USA), Rigon is now Assistant Professor at the University of Milano-Bicocca.
The International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) is the most important scientific society for Bayesian statistics and promotes the development and application of Bayesian analysis for the solution of theoretical and applied problems in science, industry and government. The American Statistical Association is the world’s largest community of statisticians and the second oldest continuously operating professional society in the US with members serving in industry, government, and academia in more than 90 countries.
The upcoming Bocconi PhD Day, on 21 October 2021, will be a great opportunity to understand the path undertaken by Tommaso and the exciting doctoral degrees offered by the PhD School.
by Weiwei Chen