Sonia Petrone Named IMS Fellow

Sonia Petrone, Full Professor of Statistics at Bocconi University, has been named Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS).
Professor Petrone received the award “for significant and impacting contributions to the foundations of Bayesian statistics and Bayesian nonparametric inference and prediction, as well as long-standing professional service and dedicated mentoring throughout her career.”
The designation of IMS Fellow has been a significant honor for over 85 years. Each Fellow is assessed by a committee of their peers and has demonstrated distinction in research or leadership that has profoundly influenced the field.
Created in 1935, the Institute of Mathematical Statistics is a member organization that fosters the development and dissemination of the theory and applications of statistics and probability. The IMS has 4,200 active members throughout the world. Approximately 10% of the current IMS membership has earned the status of fellowship.
“This is a greatest honor, I'm delighted” commented Prof. Petrone. “Let me say that it is not easy for a female scholar to achieve these results. I wish this honor can serve to give encouragement and strength to the many excellent young female scholars!”
by Fabio Todesco
Source: Bocconi Knowledge